About Thirty30 Padel
Thirty30 Padel is part of Thirty30 International Sports Group’s family that includes Tennis, Padel and Pickleball.
Thirty30 Padel is a shortened format of padel where every point really counts and can be described as the padel equivalent of the Twenty20 format of cricket.
Thirty30 Padel provides recreational and professional padel players with an alternative shorter and faster-paced scoring format.
Thirty30 Padel produces shorter, faster-paced more dynamic and more exciting matches that still FEEL, LOOK and SOUND like traditional matches.
Thirty30 Padel takes away the "dead time" during matches and makes more points matter quicker.
Thirty30 spices up padel, is faster moving and a set is completed in around 20 minutes on average.
This allows players to play many different opponents and is a perfect set up for round robin competitions, mixers, socials and leagues.
Thirty30 maintains the DNA of the game while shortening up the journey to crunch time!
Read Rules:

The fundamentals of padel remain the same and matches are:
- of a higher intensity
- more dynamic
- ultra-competitive
- extremely exciting
Sets are 'bitesize':
One set played in 20 minutes;
Three sets played in 60 minutes;
Five sets played in generally no longer than 90 minutes.
Where EVERY Point REALLY Counts!
Cricket has Twenty20 (T20)
Padel now has Thirty30 (T30)
Try Thirty30 Padel now!
Contact Us:
We require players to trial Thirty30 Padel.
Any Questions? Feel free to speak to us.